Who is Joanie Cyr

The painter Joanie Cyr is originally from Boucherville in Quebec, but settled a few years ago in St-Jérôme in the Laurentians. She was born in August 1995.

As a young child, one already detects in her the artistic fiber, but it is rather through singing and writing that she externalizes it. The dream of being an artist seems too big and unattainable. She scribbles a few drawings, but only exploring her skills on the surface. Until you close the book completely, put away that artistic spark far enough to forget about it. Then reopen this book 10 years later.

It was not until the age of 25, on January 14, 2020, that she touched a brush for the very first time. The work "The thinker" was his very first draft and at the same time, his very first sale.

She likes to bring out the soul of her subjects, mostly animals, through their eyes. Behind each work hides an emotion and a
very precise symbolism. She often makes her subjects speak through texts that she comes to pair with her creations that tell their stories.

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