Cette amour que j'ai pour l'art

This love I have for art

Joanie Cyr was born on August 14, 1995. She is originally from Boucherville, Quebec, but has been living in St-Jérôme in the Laurentians for a few years.

From an early age, she has had an artistic streak, but it is rather through singing and writing that she expresses it. Plastic art was her favorite course in school and she was a student who naturally had a facility for drawing, but never explored this skill at that time.

It was not until the age of 25, on January 14, 2020, that she touched a brush for the very first time. The work "The thinker" was his very first draft and at the same time, his very first sale.

She likes to bring out the soul of her subjects, mostly animals, through their eyes. Behind each work, hides a very precise emotion and symbolism. She often makes her subjects speak through texts that she comes to pair with her creations that tell their stories.

Here is my very first painting, it was the beginning of a great adventure.

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